Tuesday, September 18, 2012

An open letter to Gov. Mitt Romney from an unconvinced conservative Republican. You'll get my vote but not my cash.

The following letter was sent today to Gov. Mitt Romney via U.S. Mail to two different addresses asking for campaign contributions and posted on his official web site http://www.mittromney.com/contact-us. Now that I think of it, maybe I should cc: Ann Coulter, too, who helped him win the primaries.

Gov. Mitt Romney

I get mail every day asking for contributions to your campaign. All the while I watch your tepid, lackluster commercials on my TV and wait and wait for you to begin to fight. (or at least sound angry enough like you're ready to fight)

Never before has anyone like Barack Hussein Obama occupied our White House. Never before has anyone had such a disastrous effect on America's present and future.  No one has ever trashed our Constitution as he has when writes new laws by dictatorial decree. No one ever has had more devious connections in American politics as he has. And while Obama has repeatedly asked you on a daily basis why you don't release your tax returns, I keep hoping every day you will ask him why he has spent millions to keep hidden almost every personal record in his adult life. So why haven't you? Obama is filled with personal weaknesses that you haven't exploited yet. Have your advisers told you not to? Has Karl Rove told you to campaign like a boy scout while Obama and the Democrats are attacking you like vicious thugs? I think you need new advisers if the ones you have are telling you these things. If you haven't got the balls  to fight then let Paul Ryan do it. If you need ideas or inspiration then go see the film 2016 Obama's America.

I won't waste any more money on your campaign when you pay Obama compliments like that RINO John McCain did four years ago. I don't want to hear you tell anyone that Obama is a nice person or a nice family man. He is, in truth, none of these things. His best friends are communists and radical terrorists who all hate America. How can you find such a person to be nice? America wants to see you take up the banner and wage war against Obama and the rest of the Marxist/Socialist Democrats, not go after him with a feather duster.

I watched the RNC and was very impressed with the testaments given by those friends you have helped but this campaign is supposed to be against the evils committed by Barack Hussein Obama and this not the place for your "Mr. Nice Guy" routine.  If, by chance, you are a some kind of conscientious objector and have some religious scruples against fighting, then you should drop out of the race now. America's future is at stake.

I have already sent $500 to the RNC but will now withhold any further contributions until I see how well you do during the debates. That is your last chance to show the public how much you are willing to oppose evil and make no mistake, everything about Obama is EVIL.

    Yours truly,

    Nelson F. Abdullah

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